Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Political Page, T+308 - November 25, 2017,

The Daily Caller recalls twelve apocalyptic global warming predictions.

12. The UN -- in the late 1980s said the world had only a decade to solve global warming or face the consequences. On June 30, 1989: "entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000."

11. Environmentalist George Monbiot, 2002: "in as little as 10 years, the world will be faced with a choice: arable farming either continues to feed the world's animals or it continues to feet the world's people. It cannot do both." Fact: in 2002, 930 million people were undernourished; by 2014, that number shrank to 805 million, according to the UN.

10. UN's top climate scientist, 2007: "we only have four years to save the world. If there's no action before 2012, it's too late." It' s now 2017 and the world looks just fine.

9. UK prime minister, 2009: "only 50 days left to save Earth." I'm still laughing over that one. 50 days. Sounds like a movie.

8. But it's worse. The had of Canada's Green Party told world leaders in Copenhagen, 2009, there were "only hours" left to stop global warming. They marked "Earth Hour" as of the following Saturday. Guess we missed another deadline.

7. Back in 2009, Obama's administration said we had only four years to save Earth. So send your money to Obama's re-election campaign if you want to save the Earth.

6. May 13, 2014, French foreign minister told a believing SecState John Kerry that "we only have 500 days" to stop "climate chaos." Okay.

5. At the Vatican, 2015, "that year (2015) was the last effective opportunity to negotiate arrangements that keep human-induced warming below 2-degrees [Celsius]." I assume the Vatican's best advice for earthlings: quit having so many kids.

4. 2016: collapse of two Antarctic glaciers could happen sooner than previously believed, resulting in worldwide coastal flooding.

3. Prince Charles, soon-to-be king, warned in July, 2009, that humanity had only 96 months to save the world from "irretrievable climate and ecosystem collapse, all that goes with it." That deadline has passed; the prince has not provided an update to when the world needs to be saved.

2. Undated, but recent, New York Magazine writer claims global warming could make Earth "uninhabitable" by "the end of this century." Most of us won't be alive 80 years from now to see if that comes true.

1. 25 years ago -- a group of scientists signed a letter warming about massive ecological and societal collapse if nothing was done to curb overpopulation, population, and ultimately, the capitalist society society in which we live today. Earlier this year, the Union of Concerned Scientists published a second letter, saying the same thing. They said, in case some readers had not noted, "Earth with all its life is our only home. Of course, Elon Musk would argue that point. He's getting ready to send humans to Mars.

Collector's Edition

The last issue of TeenVogue -- guest-edited by Hillary -- will be the last issue to hit the newsstands. One wonders if Hillary knew it would be the last issue. More and more she reminds me of Barbra Streisand's character in The Way We Were. And yes, that's how she spells "Barbra" and she was one of the 23 celebrities who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected president.

The Pawns Are Her Sisters 


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