Saturday, December 10, 2016

Most Interesting Bit Of Trivia Regarding Energy And Trump's Cabinet -- December 10, 2016

From Rigzone/Reuters, the headline: oil drilling advocate to be Trump pick for Interior Department. The story is now 24 hours old and it's old news, but already I've forgotten: who was the pick and what makes it noteworthy:
  • least noteworthy: the pick is a woman; but you don't see many women when it comes to talking about "oil drilling advocates"
  • more noteworthy: the nominee for interior is said to be an oil drilling advocate -- think about that; not just one of her hobbies, but a real passion for drilling
  • most noteworthy: she is not from an oil-producing state; she is from Washington State, a state I don't associate at all with oil
This would have been a non-story had the nominee been from Wyoming (an oil state) like a former Secretary of Interior or from Texas or Oklahoma. 

So what gives?

Reading her wiki bio helps. It is remarkable (to me at least) she became an advocate through her involvement with various committees while serving in the US House of Representatives. Based on her childhood upbringing, one can connect the dots to how she got where she got. I am impressed that she was able to think for herself all those years. Very impressed.


I've long lost the bubble on this issue. One of my readers knows the story well and might comment on this. But any subject on which Barbara Boxer is on the "losing end" makes my heart skip a beat. In a good way.

The Los Angeles Times is reporting that the US Senate sends a "California water bill to President Obama over the objections of California's senator Barbara Boxer:
Over Sen. Barbara Boxer’s objections, the Senate voted 78 to 21 Friday evening to pass sweeping water infrastructure legislation that changes how much water is pumped from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to San Joaquin Valley farmers and Southern California.
The bill — co-authored by Boxer — authorizes hundreds of water projects across the country, including new infrastructure to fix lead issues in Flint, Mich., and and millions of dollars for projects connected to the Los Angeles River, Salton Sea and Lake Tahoe.
Which of course raises the question: she co-authors the bill and then objects to having it sent to President Obama.

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