Thursday, December 1, 2016

Harvard's Best And Brightest; Suitable For Framing -- December 1, 2016


December 2, 2016: Dallas Cowboys - Minnesota Vikings put up huge Thursday Night Football numbers last night. It was a great game. In the last 25 seconds the Vikings almost put the game into overtime, but a sloppy pass prevented the two-point after TD score; a face mask infraction was missed by the officials.
  • second-best overnight rating for TNF
  • 21.8 million viewers and a 12.8 household rating; in earlier results, a 14.1 household rating in Mielsen's metered market overnights
  • rest of TNF this season: averaging 8.8 household rating
Original Post
It's safe to go back in.

Maybe. Maybe not. I'm talking about The New Yorker magazine. I canceled my subscription back in August or September. The magazine had become a mouthpiece for Hillary. I continued to "read" it on a weekly basis at the local library. In the two months leading up to the election the magazine had pretty much been all about Hillary and nothing else. There was even one issue in which every cartoon was a "negative" cartoon about Trump. I've become so irritated with the magazine, I don't even like Emily Dickinson any more, who seems to appear regularly in the magazine.

So, let's see where the magazine is this week, the December 5, 2016, issue.

First, the letters to the editor. There were four letters; all pretty long. Every one was on the election. Nothing else. I assume that is because there's been nothing else in The New Yorker except articles on the election for the past several months.
  • letter #1, from a reader who writes, "the lesson I learned from Russia, where I come from" and then goes on to to advise us how to take on "an authoritative government." Yes, vote Obama out of office. That was easy.
  • letter #2, from a reader how writes, "the election... a crippling sense of helplessness and horror." Cupcake.
  • letter #3, from a reader who writes this trope which he/she cut and paste from the Democratic play book, "Clinton who won the popular vote by more than 1.7 million votes (and that number continues to grow as the remaining ballots are tallied)." I guess her vote didn't count. Nor will those who voted in Pennsylvania or Michigan if they don't get the recount done by December 12th.
  • letter #4, from a reader who writes, "I don't think Trump had any intention of actually winning" -- another trope taken from the Democratic play book. Anyone who suggests Trump competes without any intention of actually winning is a .... nut; and, for someone who had no intention of "actually winning," he sure pivoted quickly, naming some incredibly great picks for his cabinet.
Now, "Talk of the Town." Whereas the lead essay in the past 35 issues of "The Talk of the Town" was all about Hillary, the lead essay this time is all about Trump. Hillary's name is mentioned once, just once. Amazing. Not even a month out, and The New Yorker has already moved on, unlike its readers. Cupcakes.

But, no, I won't be "renewing" a subscription to The New Yorker any time soon. It may be fun to watch the transition but not that much fun.

Magic Wand

This reminds me of the question that Governor Dukakis was asked in his campaign in which his answer probably cost him the election.

I don't know what magic wand the president-elect had, but Trump kept a thousand Carrier jobs in Indianapolis and kept one plant from moving to Mexico just as he promised.

The Drudge Report
Suitable For Framing


CNN staff joking about President-elect Trump's crashing. Hmmmm. Link here. It will go viral on YouTube.

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