Sunday, July 27, 2014

Reader Requests Information Regarding Participating As A Non-Operator

Over at the discussion board, a reader asks the following question:
I am having difficulty finding information about becoming a direct participant in a well. Can anyone here shed any light on this for me? I have a small interest in the Big Bend field of the Bakken and am looking to invest if I can find reliable info. Thanks to all.
My reply:
My hunch is this question is too open-ended. Two things might help:
  • what do you know so far that troubles you or is confusing; and,
  • do any readers have any "key" things to watch out for when participating as a non-operator (what did they wish they knew then what they know now)?
Regardless: hopefully by the end of the week we will have more on this. I can't provide any input because I own no mineral acres and have no direct experience with this issue.

The only thing I "know" is that going through a landman is probably the best way to get specific questions answered. I assume "everyone" will suggest legal advice from an oil and gas lawyer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, you can find posts in for looking for oil and gas investors-

    Be sure to do your own DD before investing.


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