Thursday, June 19, 2014

Another Inconvenient Truth: ISIS Captures Saddam Hussein's Chemical Weapons Factories


Later, 5:39 p.m. CDT: remember how the "Whitewater" paperwork mysteriously showed up in Hillary's bedroom or Bill's study after all those years when it seemed to have been lost. Hold that thought.

It turns out the mainstream media will post this story tomorrow explaining the chemical weapons that ISIS found which we all thought the US Army had not been able to find. Here's the story I'm getting from very unreliable sources. They requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly on this.

This is the story: the US Army did indeed find Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons. Apparently there was much more than even Mr Cheney anticipated, but that all had to remain classified for obvious reasons. Before the US Army could destroy the chemical weapons, the army had to file an environmental impact statement. That statement had been reviewed, vetted, notated, triplicated, and signed by the Acting Secretary of State, and then hand-carried to the Oval Office. The material was placed in a manila ("holey-Joe") and then given to a White House aide. The manila envelope was labeled: Environmental Impact Study -- Saddam Hussein Inventory of Toxins. That was too long for the note so the aide abbreviated the name of that study on the outside of the manila folder.

Unfortunately, the president had stepped out (golfing?) and an aide placed the EIS-SHIT folder on the president's desk where he couldn't possibly miss it. Unfortunately, another aide, possibly Joe Biden himself, dropped off the EIS for the Keystone XL and placed it directly on top of the manila folder labeled EIS-SHIT.

It turns out that the EIS-SHIT file has been sitting under the Keystone XL file all this time -- for the past several years.

The story is that because of the acronym, the president never thought to get to it. The name of the file is Environmental Impact Study -- Pipeline InSide Stuff -- which Mr Biden or the aide also abbreviated.

Original Post
The (London) Telegraph is reporting:
Chemical weapons produced at the Al Muthanna facility, which Isis today seized, are believed to have included mustard gas, Sarin, Tabun, and VX. 
At the linked article, according to the CIA:
Stockpiles of chemical munitions are still stored there. The most dangerous ones have been declared to the UN and are sealed in bunkers.
Although declared, the bunkers contents have yet to be confirmed.
These areas of the compound pose a hazard to civilians and potential blackmarketers.
And the location:
The remaining chemical weapons from Saddam Hussein's regime are stored in two sealed bunkers, both located at the Al Muthanna Chemicals Weapons Complex, a large site in the western desert some 80km north west of Baghdad.
This was the principal manufacturing plant for both chemical agents and munitions during Saddam Hussein’s rule.
Thousands of tonnes of chemical weapons were produced, stored and deployed by the Saddam Hussein regime. Iraq used these weapons during the Iran - Iraq War (1980 to 1988) and against the Kurds in Halabja in 1988. 
All this time I was led to believe by mainstream media, and Congress, that Saddam Hussein had no chemical weapons.

This story is also being reported in the WSJ.

He Throws Maliki Under The Bus

In his own words, "I've decided to throw Maliki under the bus." 

And, "I'm gonna send some ground combat troops back in."

I'm waiting for video of the helicopter evacuations. 

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