Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday Morning Musings

The Japanese Fukushima nuclear debacle is a huge, huge story. Can you imagine this going on in the United States? It makes the 2010 BP-oil "leak" in the gulf pale in comparison. The New Times/StarTribune is reporting:
A crisis over contaminated water at Japan’s stricken nuclear plant worsened Saturday when the plant’s operator said it detected high radiation levels near storage tanks, a finding that raised the possibility of additional leaks.

The operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., or TEPCO, said it found the high levels of radiation at four separate spots on the ground near some of the hundreds of tanks used to store toxic water produced by makeshift efforts to cool the Fukushima Daiichi plant’s three damaged reactors. The highest reading was 1,800 millisieverts per hour, or enough to give a lethal dose in about four hours, TEPCO said.
The contaminated spots were found as TEPCO employees checked the integrity of the tanks following a leak two weeks ago that released 300 tons of toxic water into the Pacific. That leak prompted Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to announce that the government would step in to help get the plant under control, amid rising public fears of a second environmental disaster at the plant crippled two years ago by a huge earthquake and tsunami.
So, let the activist environmentalists in the US go after the occasional dead duck in a waste pit, or megaloads on Idaho highways, or whatever, while the Japanese continue to release tons and tons and tons of radioactive water into the Pacific. I guess that's one way to keep Greenpeace out of your harbors: fill it with radioactive water.

But, wow, what a disaster Japan has on its hands. After two years, it appears to be getting worse, not better.


Back in the USA, Linda Ronstadt

Now that President O'Bama has thrown the Syrian Missile Crisis back to Congress, this will be the story I will follow: Nancy Pelosi. This will be a hoot. Nothing like watching Nancy wanting to lob cruise missiles. Even the New York Times calls the situation a "box" that President O'Bama has gotten himself into. My hunch: it will all blow over. Two weeks into the debate, someone will ask the question: tell us again, Mr President, exactly what are you asking us to do? What was the question again? I think what is needed is an EIS (an environmental impact statement).



An update from USA Today. I'm sure the link will break over time, but I won't quote any of it today; there is nothing new in it.

Regular readers already know what O'BamaCare has in store for them. But when Walter Cronkite turns on O'BamaCare, one knows it's just a matter of time.

Again, the only significant part of O'BamaCare that hasn't been delayed or deleted completely, is the individual mandate, the on-line health exchanges, and those are a non-starter.  They were supposed to go live October 1, 2013. Not going to happen.

A huge segment of the population can't even figure out how to get a government issued photo ID of some sort for voting purpose. These folks are going to register for health care on-line? LOL. The next time you stroll through Wal-Mart, imagine the folks you see sitting behind a computer signing up for O'BamaCare. They will do it, but it will be the first time they try to access emergency room care. And a "navigator" will do it for them.

Why I Blog; Why I Moderate Comments

When one reads the comments at this link, this tells you all you need to know why I blog and why I moderate comments. Anyone who shrugs off "9/11" has the mental ability of a 5 year old and the sensitivity of a psychopath.

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