Monday, June 10, 2013

Apparently Chicago, Maybe Illinois, Will Move Retired City Employees Off City Rosters Unto ObamaCare Rolls

Chicago will save $800 million -- CNBC.

Blue states, blue cities will benefit the most -- CNBC.

Cue up Connie Francis.

IllinoisReview is reporting:
SPRINGFIELD - Would Chicago abandon its public safety retirees to nationalized health care? Quietly, this week, the Illinois legislature passed a measure that could force Chicago retirees off private health care an onto the public exchanges being set up.
SB 1584 passed the Illinois Senate Thursday after passing the Illinois House Wednesday, and is now on its way to the governor's desk. The Fraternal Order of Police opposed the measure.
WGN Radio is reporting
A plan to phase out city subsidized health insurance coverage will shift about 30,000 city workers to private coverage or to seek subsidies from the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare.
The plan is aimed at saving the city money as it wrestles with an $805 million shortage in retiree health care funds. This comes as the city’s guaranteed health care coverage mandate comes to an end at the beginning of next year.
Emanuel’s decision is raising the ire of city union employees, with some saying the mayor is playing games.
The retirees will move to a system they knew, to a system they do not know; and, all of us will pay for their generous benefits. Train wreck.

My hunch is this will end up in court. 


  1. I can say is THANKS one HELL of a lot.don

    1. It's quite an accomplishment to do something NO ONE wants: the unions don't want it, and the red states won't want it. But as noted above: I think this will all end up in court. The IRS is going to be re-writing and re-designing new forms for the next decade. Train wreck.


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