Thursday, April 4, 2013

Did Forum Communications Website, The Oil Patch, Launched One Year Ago Disappear?


April 5, 2013: again, a huge "thank you" to a reader for alerting me to the website (see comments below). I think I've found it -- -- and not all that difficult to sign into. It turns out that my log-in for The Dickinson Press works for this site, as well as others. I've been exploring the site; I can't complain. It seems to have fair and balanced reporting. 

April 5, 2013: see first two comments. It appears the website is still there; I just didn't find it under the ULR posted by the Dickinson Press or others. A huge "thank you" to the reader.

Original Post

I recall visiting the site only once. I had the same experience Rob Port had, and never visited again. Then, for whatever reason (boredom?) I decided to check up on the website. I can't find it. If it is gone, I can understand why. Perhaps it has a new name.

But if you google "forum communications oil patch news" you will get a lot of announcements that the site has launched, but you won't find the site (at least not on the first few pages).


  1. You may be referring to this website?

    It is a "blog" (lack of better word) page that one of the Forum Communications reporter is updating.

    1. You are exactly right. I just didn't find it under the original URL that Dickinson Press or Rob Port mentioned. But I think this is correct.

      I actually link articles to this website once in awhile.

      Thank you for taking time to write. Now that I see it again, I don't have strong feeling (negative or positive) one way or the other.

  2. Actually I think this is what use to be , they changed the name for some reason...

    This somewhat mirrors the previous one I gave you same reporter, Amy Dalrymple.

    1. I bet you are correct. Even though it's a free membership I have never set up a log-in / subscription. I get tired of logging into all these different sites.


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