Monday, September 10, 2012

Spacing in the Bakken -- A Random Note

An interesting spacing unit:
  • 19794, 446, EOG, Ross 34-0533H, Alger; t6/11; cum 80K 7/12; 4-section spacing (2560-acres; 2,704 acres to be exact)
The horizontal cuts across four sections, hitting the SW quadrant of section 5; the NE quadrant of section 6, hardly anything but the far SW corner of section, and the NE quadrant of section 33. The spacing is four section (2560-acres). That means a mineral owner in the far NE corner of section 34 is participating in this well, just as much as the mineral owner in the NE quadrant of section 6. With 640-acre spacing, a lot of mineral owners would be waiting for their well to come in.

Others will see it differently, of course.

Regardless of your thoughts on the spacing, it is what it is, and it is very, very interesting.

When I see some of the questions folks ask at other sites regarding mineral rights, all I can say is I am so glad I don't have any mineral rights. I know that doesn't make sense, but ...


  1. Is it because of higher tax bracket? It's a real concern I have.

  2. No, it has nothing to do with tax brackets. I have all the money I need (I don't have all the money that my wife needs) but I have all the money I need. I don't need anything else complicating my life, and it appears mineral rights, tax advisors, financial advisors, attorneys, etc., would complicate my life.


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