Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Some Links From Around the Internets -- Not Necessarily Related to The Bakken

I'm traveling so I'm missing a lot of the news. I have not seen television in the past five or six days, but am now sitting in an air-conditioned lobby with CNBC on in the background. I see oil is up today and the talking head says tensions are rising in the Mideast.

This is the NY Times view of the world in that part of the world: I see the Nobel peace prize winner is sending troops back into the Gulf:
The United States has quietly moved significant military reinforcements into the Persian Gulf to deter the Iranian military from any possible attempt to shut the Strait of Hormuz and to increase the number of fighter jets capable of striking deep into Iran if the standoff over its nuclear program escalates. 
But I see in the 2nd paragraph, these moves were "long-planned" -- probably under the Bush administration:
The deployments are part of a long-planned effort to bolster the American military presence in the gulf region, in part to reassure Israel that in dealing with Iran, as one senior administration official put it last week, “When the president says there are other options on the table beyond negotiations, he means it.”
He means it.


This is why I have difficulty with mainstream media's view of global warming:
If you want a glimpse of some of the worse of global warming, scientist suggest taking a look at US weather in recent weeks.

Horrendous wildfires, Oppressive heat waves. Devastating droughts. Flooding from giant deluges. And a powerful freak storm called a derecho.

These are the kinds of extremes climate scientists have predicted will come with climate change, although it's far too early to say that is the cause. Now will they say global warming is the reason 3,215 daily high temperature records were set in the month of June.
Most of those records were set in the '30s when global warming was not even a consideration. In fact, Time magazine was talking of a coming ice age back in the '70s.

If you want to talk about global disasters go back to the age of volcanoes in early human civilization in the Mediterranean. The sinking of Atlantis comes to mind. Now that was some "flooding from giant deluges."

And much later, the warming spell during the age of the Vikings.

But if you are still inclined to take the mainstream media's word for it, check this out: total US CO2 emissions will probably fall to levels not seen since 1991, and they would fall further if faux environmentalists would get trucks and trains hauling oil off the road by supporting the safest way to transport oil: pipelines. The link is to CarpeDiem.com.  Go to the link to read commentary from others. I always enjoy the comments.

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