Monday, April 23, 2012

The European Commission Delays Implementation of Directive That Would Penalize Alberta Oil Sands

Link here.
The Canadian government welcomed a decision by the European Commission to delay for further study an emissions-abatement measure that would penalize transportation fuels originating in the oil sands region of Alberta.
The directive will be delayed until early 2013, pending "further study."

And then note this:
"...studies have shown “life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of oil sands crude are similar to or in some cases lower than several crude oils currently imported an used daily in the EU.”
"Several crude oils" such as Saudi oil, I'm sure. 


  1. In 2008/2009 the current administration said that the oil sands of Canada had a higher than normal life-cycle green house gas emmission.

    So what is the truth? Or do they just pick a number that fits the current discussion?

    1. It's funny you say that. I was going to note in my post that when talking about these issues, I have to put a lot more "stuff" in quotation marks because it appears that, yes, they simply pick numbers out of the air, and slant the discussion based on political realities, and thus the need for "quotation marks."

    2. Greenhouse gas = the murder weapon in a Nero Wolfe novel.

      Anon 1

    3. I was unfamiliar with this 1940's (?) detective. And I read a lot but not a lot of murder mysteries. He was ahead of his time.

      Although this particular murder weapon is not mentioned at this site, it gives a fairly comprehensive overview of Nero Wolfe:


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