Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Some Great Photos of the Bakken

Link here.

Sent to me by a reader. Thank you.


  1. Very nice photos. Word descriptions would never do it justace.

    What I liked is the small foot print each well site takes up. Hardly the industrialization of Western North Dakota in the traditional sense that some use when describing the negative impact of oil development.

    1. You are so correct. When I was out there last autumn visiting the busiest part of the Bakken, you could drive miles and not see any activity, and where you did see wells being drilled, and where you did see completed wells, it really was not all that disruptive.

      As is usually the case, the media often gives a distorted picture; one needs to see it for oneself to see what is really going on.

      I remember when I was in the US Air Force, when I was stationed overseas, my parents would read newspapers about the country I was in and read about all the terrorist acts, explosions, etc., and yet I felt safer in those countries than I would feel in Detroit downtown on a Saturday night. One has to be there to really know what's going on.

      Oh, by the way, despite all that fracking in North Dakota, no earthquakes.

  2. VP. Biden needs to see that we "are training new cattle guards" in ND


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