Thursday, March 1, 2012

Harold Hamm: SecEn?

Several folks have sent me this link: Romney names HH to be his chief energy advisor.


  1. I like that thought having Harold involved. He strikes me as a man with passion and very hands on in the oil industry.

    1. This is what is most interesting: an Eastern billionaire (like Romney) picking a western oilman. Very, very interesting.

  2. I would hope Romney takes his counsel seriously. I haven't heard Romney talk about the seriousness of becoming energy independent and making it a front burner issue.

    A east coaster being advised by a mid-west oilman, got to love that.

  3. I have avoided listening to all debates and/or speeches, so I have no idea what they've been talking about, but I read a lot, and I don't see any Romney headlines on energy independence. Concerning.

    It certainly seems to me Romney, et al, would do better sticking to a few key issues and not getting sucked into distracting issues that get them into trouble where the liberal media can take their comments out of context.

    So, we'll see.


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