Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fracking: Spelling

I linked this WSJ story on my "Frack Central" page for archival purposes.

I was not going to further discuss it, but then I noted the spelling of "fracking" used by the WSJ. Yup, they got it right.


  1. This Sunday in the MSP Star Tribune was a front page article on the "uncertain cost" of fracking to those where the sand is being mined at.


    Note, this is near another mine, and MN has taconite open pit mining in the north, neither of which make the front page.

    1. Yes, fracking sand will become the poster child for all mining activity. Before it's all over, Health and Human Services will ban sandboxes to protect children from kitty waste.

      Meanwhile barrels of radioactive waste from nuclear reactor centers will sit on loading docks around the country because no one wants to deal with it.

  2. Correct that. The author did cover taconite mining as well... just not front cover on a sunday.


    1. But, wow, it's hard to get normal folks excited about sand.

  3. And she wrote one of your favorite wind mill stories:


    1. Great story. Sad, but great. I've linked it at my "Wind Central" page on the blog. It's a sad day when energy companies are given licenses to kill unlimited eagles, whooping cranes.

  4. The problem is our twisted media today. Industry spells it FRACING for FRACTURING. The anti-hydrocarbon types and their fellow travelers in the liberal media started spelling it FRACKING so casual observers would view it as something another negative word implies.

    For those of us who support conventional energy development we should start spelling it as that industry does. FRACING

    Anyway who am I to talk. I hated my less than pleasant English high school teacher. Maybe she had something to teach but that is all water under the bridge.


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