Friday, March 9, 2012

Finally, An Article on Oil That Doesn't Mention the Bakken

The headline caught my eye.

The story is actually pretty good.

But it doesn't mention the Bakken.
Even with technologies that are exponentially superior for finding new fields to those we had in the 1960s, most petroleum geologists agree no more supergiant fields will be discovered. Historians centuries from now will conclude that the "oil age" was astonishingly short.

It is seductive and convenient to blame the president or those pesky environmentalists for rapidly rising prices, but it's a hollow endeavor. Most environmentalists I know merely want to pass to their children and grandchildren a world as verdant, healthy and livable as they found it. And the president can't put more oil in the ground or impact international economies.

The fluctuations in price in recent years are more about rapidly increasing worldwide demand, global political uncertainty and speculation than anything our government is doing. Our nation's depletion curve has continued for two generations, through Republican and Democratic administrations.
I am surprised to see such an article in the Rigzone. Good for them.


  1. My cup is way more half full.

  2. The world would be a better place if they focused on their own garden. And helped thier neighbors in a crisis.

  3. Oh! With no identification of the "most geologist", I think this article is of little value. More propaganda by the anti-hydrocarbon crowd.


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