Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Abraxas Buys Rig For the Bakken -- North Dakota, USA

Link here.
Abraxas said it bought the rig to combat severe equipment and services shortages in the Williston basin. The company has 60 gross identified locations to be drilled in the North Fork area of McKenzie County, ND. 


  1. Just a quick bit of info to pass on.

    McKenzie County Electric states in the last portion of this article that it will no longer be installing new lines on the reservation due to the new regulations established by the tribes and BIA. No explanation given. Just stating how sad it is for the well owners etc. I have not been able to find any further information but will keep searching.

  2. Regarding previous post Mckenzie County Elec: In Mountrail Williams Elec Coop meeting minutes it was generally noted that the attorney for the coop discussed the new costs involved in obtaining easements which cross tribal or trust lands. They did not, however, go as far as MCE.

  3. Very interesting.

    See my stand-alone post on this. Thank you for alerting me to the story.

    I'm sure there's more to the story. Hopefully someone will fill us in on it.


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