Friday, April 29, 2011

XOM: Paid $1 Million / Hour in Taxes -- SeekingAlpha

This is not the first time this has been posted. For me, it cannot be retold often enough.

Link here.

The administration's attack on XOM reminds me of The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs.

GE paid no federal taxes in 2010. The GE/CEO is the president's economic adviser.


  1. What did XOM pay in US federal taxes?

  2. Go to labels at bottom of blog and click on "XOM_Taxes."

    Last year, XOM paid $1.2 billion more than GE in US Federal taxes.

    It should be noted that XOM is a global company and its operations are small in US compared to rest of world. XOM realizes that easier to drill elsewhere than in the US from a regulatory point of view.

    2010: $1.2 billion
    2009: ($0.84 billion)
    2008: $3 billion
    2007: $4.7 billion
    2006: $2.9 billion


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