Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Is This Getting a Bit Bizarre? The War on Libya Will Be Managed by a Political-Steering Committee

The US wants out (of the leadership position).

NATO wants out (of the leadership position).

Britain's Prime Minister wants out (of the leadership position).

France has proposed that a new political steering committee outside NATO be responsible for overseeing military operations over Libya.

I get a lot of "hate mail" for my non-Bakken posts, but I generally re-report it as I see it. Again, in this case, I can't make it up: this is exactly what is being proposed by the man/country who got us into this mess in the first place (Sarkozy/France) and to some extent, Cameron/Great Britain.

And whether you support, don't support, or have no opinion on what's going in and over Libya, a) setting up a new "entity" to manage a coalition in the middle of the war; and, b) labeling it a "political steering committee" seems entirely nuts.

"A political steering committee to be responsible for overseeing military operations over Libya." I guess Clausewitz was correct: war is a mere continuation of politics by other means. In this case, FranceBritainUS won't even disguise it: it will a political exercise. With Tomahawks. And two Qatar vintage fighter jets.


It just dawned on me: the country closest to Libya with most interesting political history -- Italy.

 There's an old saying that victory has 100 fathers and defeat is an orphan. JFK News Conference, April 12, 1961.


April 4, 2011: US pulls back its fighter-bombers; then extends for two days; pulls them back again. Now Kadafi says he's staying for now but Libyans in "free" election will determine if he stays longer.

March 23, 2011: US Marines are being sent to Libya. Amphibious vessels are already there. I assume the US Marines will follow orders from a foreign "political steering committee."

March 23, 2011: British Navy -- after only five days of war -- and attacking a small country -- is running out of Tomahawk missiles. I cannot make this stuff up.

Flashback, March 23, 2011: from the Drudge Report -- apparently it isn't only Democratic senators that want to impeach the president. Even his vice president is on record voicing his responsibility to see that the president is impeached if he goes to war without Congressional approval. I can't make this stuff up. It is interesting to watch Howard Dean support the war effort. Hell must be freezing over.

Update, March 22, 2011, 9:30 p.m. EST: this is nuts. Germany has pulled its forces out of NATO over the Libyan crisis. The coalition is in disarray. Obama will cut short his Latin American trip to head home to sort things out -- I guess report to the "political steering committee." So, now, on top of everything else our current administration has done, now it looks like they've fractured NATO. This is incredible. Amateur hour. With consequences. I can only imagine the talk shows tomorrow morning. I can hardly wait to hear the spin we get on this. France: "We are not at war."  How did the US step into this? Hillary Clinton: win-win. If the war went well, it was her war. If the war went badly, it was Obama's war. Something tells me Hillary Clinton is going to avoid a face-to-face meeting with her boss as long as she can. Democratic lawmaker says Obama's actions are impeachable offense; hell must be freezing over -- I'm starting to like Dennis Kucinich.


  1. Only bizarre aspect is the Bruce take on this. As the article points out, not all coalition members are NATO members. Not sure it matters who leads here so long as it is not US. Libya is a non entity militarily especially after 150 cruise missles and there is more where that came from . Thanks to the previous admin, Libya was removed from the US terrorist list and granted full diplomatic relations. You seem to have an opinion on everything else what is your opinion on that ???

  2. Find me any war that wasn't steered by politics and I'll give you a million dollars right now.

    Seriously, give me one.

    Is it possible that they want to form a new body where the people who are actually involved might have a say in what goes on in their own part of the world?

    DId you actually read the article?

    "Not all members of the military coalition are members of Nato and this is therefore not a Nato operation."

    If you were among the rebels trying to start a democracy and some other country was dictating what would happen in your country without any input from your own people, you'd start a blog to yell at the top of your voice.

    And your first post would start with the words "I can't make this up..."

  3. I am just worried one of those french planes crashes into our carrier.

  4. It's funny you said that. With footage of the first Arab fighter over Libya -- from Qatar -- I had the very same thought.

    I can only imagine a political steering committee providing air combat control.

  5. Hi Bruce, your posts are becoming increasingly bizarre. You should seek professional help. The way you ate going, your head is going to explode any minute and when Obama gets elected to his deserved second term, I think it is more than you will be able to take. Are there any mental health outreach programs in San Anton or will they only kick in when obamacare phases in? You are a poster child for how our health care system has failed. Pls seek help. ER if that's what it takes .

  6. I don't know who is more nervous about the outcome of this, mo mar or you.
    I just have this sinking feeling that you are hoping for a US failure because you think it would somehow promote your "cause" whatever that is.


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