Friday, December 17, 2010

For Investors Only -- Share Price Comparison of Selected Bakken Companies

For those interested, here is a link comparing share price action of six companies of interest to those investing in the Bakken.

A "thank you" to the individual who sent me this link.

And, of course, once you get there, you can change the parameters very easily. For longer term perspective, it is interesting to look at the same comparison at one year out.


  1. Check out bakken shale blog interesting Co2 article.

  2. One link:, dated August 3, 2008. A very nice discussion of EOG's plan to use CO2 for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) -- "huff and puff."

  3. Bruce I love your site and come here often as you can see from the Walnut Creek visitor.

    My Xmas wish is that you might post more information of NOG, although I realize there is little out there.

    I'm wondering if anyone has access to the Cannacord Genuity or Howard Weil research, and would be willing to share it.

    Thanks and Happy Holidays.


  4. Peter,

    Thank you for your kind comments.

    I posted a stand-alone note so more people would see it (

    I accumulate NOG so I, too, am interested in news on NOG, but my research is pretty basic. I certainly don't have a lot of depth to what I post.

    However, posting everyday gives me an idea of the trends in the Bakken. Although the site may not be very sophisticated, it does, I hope, point people in the right direction if they are interested in investing. It should also help folks ask the right questions.

    My original intent was education only, and not investing, but I learned early on that it was almost impossible to talk about the Bakken without talking about the investment aspect.

    Anyway, I am happy to hear that you enjoy the site, and I am hoping that others will alert me to anything regarding NOG.

    My gut feeling is that NOG is very, very careful to say anything; it is a partner with some very good companies, and if confidentiality is lost, they will find themselves looking for new partners.

    One last comment, as long as I'm rambling: I honestly don't know how much NOG information is really all that helpful. I think NOG will track the price of oil, and will track the quality of the overall wells being drilled, which you can get a feel for, by looking at daily activity reports (linked on the sidebar at the right). Because very few people hold NOG (in the big scheme of things), I think it has huge potential, especially as more and more investors learn about it.


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