Thursday, August 15, 2013

First Things First

The first thing I do when preparing for a trip is check cell phone service. This is not rocket science. Okay, maybe not the first thing, but it's high on the list. Right under: "remember the Rogaine."

Yahoo!News is reporting:
I had zero cell-phone service when I landed in Bismarck. I know this state is mostly rural, but how was I supposed to know Sprint doesn't operate here? Two hours, $183, and one new cheap smartphone later (thanks, Radio Shack!), I was on the road for an almost four-hour drive to Williston, the heart of America's oil boom.


  1. Good evening Bruce. Was wondering how long you are going to be in Willsiton. I have a class reunion in Sept. Would love to see you.

    1. My plans are very, very fluid, but I am looking at the last two weeks in October. I cannot go earlier due to granddaughters' schedule.


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