Saturday, May 1, 2010

How the Sanish Got Its Name

This is an incredible story of the first "Sanish" well in North Dakota. It was drilled in 1953 and considered the first "Bakken zone" discovery. It produced 279,000 barrels in six years before "casing problems forced the plugging of this well" according to "Allen" at this discussion group. A replacement well, another vertical well, near the original well is still producing; to date this 160-acre spacing unit has produced a total of 1.3 million barrels of oil. The well came in at 150 barrels/day.

In case that link is broken, or that site is lost, the well in question that produced for six years was the Woodrow Starr #1. It's "replacement, still active, is the Woodrow Starr 1A.

An article published in 1969 provides additional detail.

Short history of the Bakken, by Julie LeFever, undated but appears to have published in September, 2004.


  1. Notice you do not say much about Questar, check it out, Big things happening there

  2. It's funny you should mention Questar. I came across this company on/about April 22, 2010, and posted it's plans for a tax-free spin-off of its E&P unit. I was very impressed, and had I had money at the time, I probably would have invested. Then, I simply forgot about Questar (my mistake) --- too many companies to follow in the Bakken and I missed this one. I will do another post on Questar to make up for my oversight. Thank you for reminding me. But, yes, I am very, very impressed with Questar after looking at its acreage locations.


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