Friday, May 31, 2024

Automobile Supply Chain Back To Relative Normal? May 31, 2024

Locator: 48010AUTOS

During the pandemic and for a couple of years thereafter the car sales lots were virtually empty in north Texas. I predicted there would be an oversupply of cars by the summer of 2023 (or maybe it was 2022 -- I forget but either way I was wrong). Through the end of 2023, the lots were fairly vacant but gradually filling in with new cars for sale. 

Today, out of curiosity I decided to check out the lots. There are several in our local area.

This was the first lot. This lot is a "long" way from the dealer's sales office -- every space was taken up by a brand new pickup truck, and it appears a truckload (or two) of muscle cars were dropped off within the last few days.

From here I went down to the Honda dealer -- the lot these past two years, pretty much empty. Today, absolutely full, and the prices were excellent.

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