Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Two-For-One Deal: Bakken Oil Potential; North American Energy Potential

It seems I've posted this PDF file before, but I can't remember. Doesn't hurt to post it again. Something to read this evening.  Sent to me by Don.

This is a new PDF that I have not seen before. Again, I have not yet read all of it but what little I've read, looks very, very interesting.  Also, sent to me by Don.


  1. Many thanks to Don for all of his news mining.

    1. Don probably sent that in "anonymously."

      Just joking. I have said many, many times I rely on my readers to feed me 90% of my links, stories, that don't come directly from NDIC, etc. It would be a pretty boring blog if I only had what I had time to find, read, and post.

      But you are correct: I think Don provides, consistently, the best articles across the spectrum.

  2. Bruce, do you know where I can find the treasure map of the Bakken map, from BT article? I've searched with no luck. Maybe someone out there knows a link. Thanks!

    1. No, I cannot find it, and I have looked. I wonder if they are simply referring to the NDIC GIS map. If not, that was the weirdest story I've linked in a long time.

  3. Ive see. It. I think. Buried in the presentations link on ndic home page. Most producers have a better map within their corporate presentations. If I found the right map.


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