Sunday, January 21, 2024

Rambling -- January 21, 2024

Locator: 46614ARCHIVES.

If you are just tuning in, I must have posted a dozen or more blogs today. Some of them were pretty good based on a polling of the MDW focus group. I'm wrapping it up for tonight, which reminds me, I need to see if the weekly edition of  "Focus on Fracking" has been posted yet. Whoo-hoo! It has. The highlights:

Gasoline supplies are at a 101-week high, distillates supplies are at a 124 week high; December global oil shortage is at 2,280,000 bpd with OPEC's output 332,000 barrels per day below their reduced target. Natural gas prices drop 24%, the most in 2 years.


Link here.

With regard to "anything," I no longer know what's true, what's not true, who's telling the truth, who's not telling the truth, and everything in between. It's like the TV show of some years ago, "White Collar." And it's only going to get worse with generative AI.

That's true with "everything," but perhaps nothing more true than with news about the Mountain Valley Pipeline.

Here's the January 13, 2024, update of the MVP as reported by Laurence Hammack of The Roanoke [Virginia] Times.  

I guess we will know by the end of March, 2024. But then again, maybe not.

Seeking the truth? The only way most of us seem to measure success is how we do in the market. Or if we are the owner of the most valuable NFL sports team. Here's looking at you, Jerry. I go back and forth with regard to Jerry Jones, but tonight, I'm on Jerry Jones' side. I know he doesn't care, but just thought I would mention it. On so many levels he did the right thing by not firing the coach. And I'm sure the quarterback is safe. Don't know about the offensive coordinator.

Speaking of which:

Personal investing: I mentioned earlier, on the blog, I think, that I've removed KMI from my portfolio and plan to sell all my KMI sometime tomorrow. 

If I did already post this on the blog, I said I would be using those proceeds to add to my position in OKE. The thought: they're about the same, but OKE has the edge, and getting rid of one (in this case, KMI) de-clutters the portfolio.
After some more thinking about this, I've decided to use those KMI funds to add to my position in DE, SCCO, or McDonald's. Right now, I'm favoring DE. It would not be consistent of me to add to my position in OKE: OKE is not in my bucket list any more. SCCO doesn't seem to have the MOJO that DE and/or MCD seem to have.
In other words, plenty of time to add to my position in SCCO and the record date for the next DE quarterly dividend is January 29, 2024, if I recall correctly.

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site. Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here. 

All my posts are done quickly: there will be content and typographical errors. If anything on any of my posts is important to you, go to the source. If/when I find typographical / content errors, I will correct them. 

Again, all my posts are done quickly. There will be typographical and content errors in all my posts. If any of my posts are important to you, go to the source.

Sports: in the big scheme of things, I couldn't have asked for a better outcome with regard to the four NFL games this weekend. 

It would have been nice to see the Green Bay Packers win but they had a great season and in the big scheme of things, that outcome was fine; they will do fine. They made the playoffs and their former quarterback did not. 

I had no interest in the Philadelphia Eagles game. I forget who they played and except for some clips, I don't recall watching any of the game. 

The third game of the weekend (the first game today) was excellent. I was thrilled to see the Detroit Lions win but I would have been happy had the Bucs won. 

But, but, but ... the best game and the best outcome? Yeah, you guessed it. Taylor Swift's team. So many haters out there. That's why I'm glad her team won. LOL. And Taylor gets the last laugh. You know, that missed "last second" field goal must have been Tony Romo's best moment this weekend, and he called the game on whatever network the game was aired.

I was not listening to the audio but I understand that Tony said the following as the Buffalo Bills kicking team was coming on the field:

"The Chiefs lead by three.points. A field goal ties the game and a touchdown wins the game." 

I guess he was thinking of a fake field goal play, or he was talking to folks who are just now learning how points are scored in the NFL. LOL. You can catch his play-by-play over at twitter.

The market: the penultimate screen shot of the night. Look at the NASDAQ. Wow. WTI is "green" tonight but tomorrow is a Monday. WTI will open in the "red." LOL. 

Amazon: $12 / $40 = 30%. Without Amazon Prime, with shipping, cost would have been about $52 rather than $40. Just saying. At Sur La Table, "identical" product was $69 to $79 before tax, and I would have to drive across town in very cold weather to pick it up. Walmart's price about the same as Amazon's; maybe less (at Walmart).

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