Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Warmists Predicted All This

It was reported earlier today that the warmists predicted that the winters would be colder and snowier, and they were right. These are headlines pulled from Drudge showing just how right the warmists were about worse and worse winters due to global warming:
  • winter wonderland
  • sleet, ice, deep freeze hit large swath of USA
  • Texas setting snow records
  • cold rewrites Oregon history books
  • "climate change" warning: killer winter storms for next thirty years
  • snow falling, in Australia, in the summer
School is again canceled here in the Dallas-Ft Worth area on Monday; the roads are just too dangerous. The buses cannot get across the bridges.

I have to admit: I was wrong about the warmists: they were correct. Winters would be worse. I missed that part, I guess. Of course, it has nothing to do with CO2 but that's another story for another day.

I get another full day with my granddaughters. And they get another day off from school. What's not to like?


Speaking of granddaughters and grandparents, a reader sent me this link: America's clash of generations is inevitable -- Seymour Hersch.

It begins:
We are locked in a generational war, which will get worse before it gets better. Indeed, it may not get better for a long time. No one wants to admit this, because it’s ugly and unwelcome. Parents are supposed to care for their children, and children are supposed to care for their aging parents. For families, these collective obligations may work. But what makes sense for families doesn’t always succeed for society as a whole. The clash of generations is intensifying.

Last week, a federal judge ruled that Detroit qualifies for municipal bankruptcy. This almost certainly means that pensions and health benefits for the city’s retired workers will be trimmed. There’s a basic conflict between paying for all retirement benefits and supporting adequate current services (police, schools, parks, sanitation, roads). The number of Detroit’s retired workers has swelled, benefits were not adequately funded and the city’s economy isn’t strong enough to take care of both without self-defeating tax increases.
And it ends:
Generational warfare upsets us because it pits parents against children. The elderly’s well-being partly reflects Social Security and Medicare’s success, but it also comes at the expense of younger Americans. We pretend these discomforting conflicts don’t exist. But they do and are rooted in changing demographics, slower economic growth and competing concepts of old age. They cannot be dissolved by pious invocations that “we’re all in this together.” To date, the contest has been one-sided; now the other side is beginning to stir.
I disagree completely. America's clash will between the "haves" and the "have-nots." The gap between the "haves" and "have-nots" crosses all age groups: some seniors are incredibly wealthy; some homeless. Some college students come from incredibly wealthy families; others come from families barely surviving financially.

I don't think "the American clash" will be inter-generational so much as between "haves" and "have-nots."

There is a reason for flash mobs that hit a Best Buy or a Wal-Mart and ransack the stores. I expect we will see more of that before we see less of that. 

I doubt my granddaughters and I will ever clash but I can imagine all of us getting caught up in clashes between the "haves" and the "have-nots." I tend to believe in "rule of law"; others do not. And that's where the clash will center.

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