Saturday, December 7, 2013

Scary, Huh?

Last week I posted my thoughts on the likely outcome of Obamacare. Until the Obamacare fairy godmother waves her magic wand and completely changes everything, I will go with the premise in that post, i.e., one cannot put the genie back in the bottle. The genie being the incredible coverage with the insurance companies holding the bag (unlimited liability).

But one really has to laugh: everything Nancy Pelosi said about the bill is true: we won't know what's in it until it's passed.

Apparently that is "more true" than one can imagine.

The AP is reporting:
After weeks of repairs, the administration announced last week that the worst of the technical problems had been fixed and that the site was working reasonably well for most users. But it's too really to say if the website has really turned a corner. It's also quite likely that the White House will stumble into another crisis as officials try to implement a complex, politically polarizing law with broad effects on society. [Translation: even the White House isn't sure what else might show up in the law that no one read.]
Well, maybe one person has read the law.

And the White House has invited him back to explain it to Washington. To explain to everyone what else might show up in the bill. Like the fact, that technically, the law prohibits the federal exchange from offering subsidies for insurance premiums.
President Barack Obama is bringing a former top aide with deep ties to Congress back to the White House to help get his health care overhaul back on track after a bungled rollout. Officials say Phil Schiliro, who as Obama's top liaison to Capitol Hill helped push the Affordable Care Act through Congress, is taking on a short-term assignment to help coordinate policy surrounding the law.He'll work with the Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, other agencies and members of Congress.
Nancy had it exactly right. Scary, huh?

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