Sunday, March 3, 2013

For Global Warming Deniers Only ...

... all others should scroll down or visit archived sites at the sidebar at the right.

And, definitely, if you came to this site searching for news about Bakken oil, skip this post. 

[For archival purposes only; for my purpose only; not for general readership.]

WattsUpWithThat, through RealScience, is reporting: the Arctic sets a record for ice gain this year. It's really a remarkable story, and several story lines. But first the story:
Arctic sea ice has made a stunning rebound since the record low recorded in the late summer of 2012.
With a few weeks of growth still to occur, the Arctic has blown away the previous record for ice gain this winter. This is only the third winter in history when more than 10 million km² of new ice has formed.
The graph at the site goes back to 1980, and even the most graphically-challenged observer can interpret this graph.

There's a ton of information in that story and at that link. One could spend a lot of time thinking about questions, hypotheses, theories, that could be asked/raised.

The comments are also important. My favorite, of course, is the global warming apologist who says this is predicted by global warming -- that global warming would, in fact, increase Arctic ice.


All this time, I thought global warming apologists said Arctic ice was shrinking. I must have mis-read those stories; it wouldn't be the first time.

Right, wrong, or indifferent, whether global warming decreases or increases Arctic ice, one can't have it both ways, using the same argument.

However, this is all a red herring anyway. Total global ice? Arctic is trivial when compared to the Antarctic and the Antarctic is growing. The Antarctic accounts for 90% of the earth's ice.

Again, this post is for global warming deniers; apologists can easily find other sites that refute all of this, but the graph at the linked site, and the comments at the linked site are, priceless. 


  1. I wonder if more open water provided more area for more ice to form?


    1. Mike,

      In fact, you are correct.

      The small print: the graph is of the GAIN -- so with all that open water, there was a lot to freeze.

      I think someone in the comment section at the linked story also suggested that.


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