Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Obama: More Than One Way To Kill Fracking

Link here.

This is incredible. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to sort this out.
The Obama administration continues its war on fossil fuels, leaving virtually no stone unturned in looking for ways to slow fossil fuel production. C.J. Ciaramela reports on still more stalling shenanigans in an article at the Washington Free Beacon:
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association (FMCSA) in June re-interpreted a 50-year-old rule limiting the amount of time trucks delivering water and sand to drilling sites can stay on-site.
The rule interpretation, which was put into effect immediately, and without either review or industry input, seems to target fracking:
The new interpretation of the rule would remove a “waiting time exemption” for trucks at drilling-sites, making any time they spend on-site count toward their 11-hour work limit. Because oil and gas drilling sites are often located in remote areas, sometimes without paved roads, and because of the unpredictable nature of the work, it is often necessary for trucks to stay on-site for more than 11 hours.


  1. Water and sand trucks have never been able to claim waiting time on location in ND. Frac crews and workover rigs are the only ones that can claim it in ND. Not sure if the new interpretation will effect them or not. (i did not read the link yet)

    1. I don't know how it will turn out either, but the attitude of this administration toward oil and gas industry compared to its attitude toward slicers and dicers is incredible.

  2. This will certainly increase the difference between wells drilled and wells fracked. It will also increase truck traffic since more trucks will be needed to make up the lost time. More shifts will be needed to make sure the sand continues to flow to the fraccing sites. More damage to roads and more money needed to repair them. Gary.

    1. I have a lot of initial thoughts on this but I don't the issue well enough to comment yet. And, if I did, it would generate a lot of chatter that would distract me from the real purpose of the blog, so I will let the story tell itself, and provide updates as they come along.

  3. Another example of the Federal Government working to kill what few bright spots there are in the economy. Makes one wonder if the current gang in control of the various agencies of government are pro-America or anti-America.

    Sadly it looks like the latter. There are way too many examples of this kind of stuff to indicate otherwise.

    If any industry or company does not play their sicking crony capitalism game they are targeted for destruction. Call it pay to play or whatever, that is what we have in power today and it is doing tremendous harm to the country. Lost is the positive pro-American attitudes that built this country.

    A very important election coming up. Think about it carefully and then vote.

    1. I'm absolutely convinced this administration is anti-free market capitalism.

      It appears that there is a group of folks, who probably graduated from college/graduate school in the 60's and 70's, who feel very strongly that America has taken unfair advantage of the rest of the world, and wants to level the playing field.

      There are more and more stories being posted about China's neo-capitalism economy while the US heads towards the likes of France. Which is fine if you like crepes.

    2. I agree this is a rehash of the 60's and 70's radicalism that wanted to ignite a revolution that changed the country into a socialist or communist state. They failed then and they are having, hopefully, their last attempt with the current administration. The progressive liberals (Fabian Socialist in Europe) need to be to be fully understood for who they are and kept out of power. Their ideas are in opposition to the principles our country was founded on.

    3. We're already seeing it play out in France under their new socialist leader, Hollande.

  4. Wasshington Free Beacon?

    1. Yup (actually it's the "Washington Free Beacon") -- the "Beacon" was recently founded. You need to get out and about more! Smile.

      I haven't added the site to my external blog list, but give me time.

      Thank goodness for the internet. And thank goodness for those who comment, providing me some great links.

  5. This is just another hurdle to climb in this industry. My question is "what's next" in this administrations bag of tricks. It is obvious that the purpose of this administration is to slowly erode the progress that is being made toward our "energy independece". The question is why? The answer hopefully will come in November.

    1. Killing the Keystone XL was not a "one-off" for this administration. It was their defining moment when it came to energy. All this other stuff is just more of the same, but on a smaller scale.

      Chinese proverb: death by a thousand cuts.

      American: nickel and dime to death.

  6. Dear Bruce,
    As you know, the 11 hour rule applies to Drivers/Operators, not Equipment/Trucks.
    Could employ more personel to solve this safety issue.

    Nick Anderson
    Key West, Florida 33040

    1. Missing the point.

      One could also just shut down the oil and gas industry in the US, also. That would be quicker.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Great post, thank you. I agree with all your points.

      1. Key word: "futile."

      2. Other words, phrases: loopholes, small trucking companies hurt the most

      3. Good news: as you noted, it will tend to drive efficiencies in the oil patch (producers taking issue with $125/hour wait time).

      And look at the cocktail chatter/trivia you've provided: who, outside the trucking/oil and gas industry knew this was costing $125/hour? Wow.

      Thank you for taking time to comment.


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