Saturday, March 12, 2011

I Guess This is Plan B: Don't Drill; Tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Instead

The US permitorium in the Gulf of Mexico continues but Mexico is moving forward. Noble lands huge six-rig contract with Pemex.

Meanwhile the president's emphasis on solving the oil crisis will be on siccing his attorney general on oil companies for evidence of price gouging.
President Barack Obama called Friday for an investigation of possible oil price gouging.
Rather than have the drillers return to the Gulf, the President is ready to tap the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which has 75 days of reserves.

I can't make this stuff up.


  1. Thank god the current admin wants to reverse the previous admin policy which was buy high sell low. As to permits in the gulf, you are aware that the gulf deep water fail was avoidable and the result of putting cost ahead of safety and poor work that was allowed to proceed are you not ?

  2. You are a loser Bruce . An absolute loser. You post criticism of policy and refuse to post rebuttal. You fit right in with mo-mar and the gang you want censorship and you have appointed yourself to be the censor. If you dont want political discourse, then don't get the ball rolling.


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