Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oil Surges After Gulf of Mexico Report Comes Out

Link here.

And here.

Not unexpected.

The moratoria continue.

You may want to bookmark this article to refer back to when oil goes over $100 and gasoline hits $5.00 in California.

It didn't take much of a tax increase in North Dakota to scare away drillers in earlier booms. Higher liability caps in the gulf will drive out some drillers.


  1. my belief is that with the current administration in power in Wash DC. the level of permits, both shallow and deep water for the remainder of his tenure will be 40 % of the PRE-explosion level. Get used to $4.00 gasoline.

  2. Year-over-year oil production in US will continue to fall going forward, and then folks will still wonder why price of oil keeps going up.

    I used to get really "political" and really "upset" about stupidity in Washington; now I've learned to take advantage by changing my investing strategy.

  3. Get ready for the COLD to spill all over in the USA this next week. We are going to -23 below tonight in Bowman nd.. I hope you bought NG in the last week..

  4. My site is full of comments that I have a significant exposure to natural gas, but don't expect to see huge returns during my investing lifetime. I will pass those shares down to my daughters and granddaughters who will likely benefit.


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