Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year! The Tyler Formation

What a great way to start the New Year: an article on the Tyler Formation!

Here's the link. It's a PDF file so it might take a minute to download.

Right now there seems to be a lot of "group think" -- everyone is focused on the Bakken, but at some point, attention will turn to the Tyler.

Bowman and Bowman County seem to be the center of the Tyler. For newbies, the other activity one sees on the map at the link, I believe, is around Dickinson.

This is an interesting area: this is where the Bakken thins out, and the Three Forks "pinches out." In addition, in the Dickinson area, there is interest in Lodgepole reefs. And now, we have the Tyler formation.

For more on the Tyler, see the sidebar at the right.


  1. The 2 counties shown on the map in yellows are Slope( farthest North ) and Bowman, with the city of Bowman located near the northern geographical center of bowman county. This land mass is almost completely UNLEASED. So IF the Tyler formation is sucessful many land men will converge on these 2 counties. Also where the dots touch at the Slope, Stark and Billing county lines , some of these wells have pumped oil since at least 1996. This formation could add another complete chapter to OIL developement in ND.

  2. That's a statistic often over-looked when focusing on initial production: how long these wells continue to produce. Doing a "well search" on the NDIC site will real many old wells still producing.


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