Monday, July 19, 2010

Home Prices Increasing in 20 Countries: Eye-Opener

Wow, this is an eye-opener.

Listening to the news every day, I truly thought "we" were in a global recession. But the recession is very spotty. When I saw this headline, "20 Countries Where Housing Prices Are Increasing", I assumed it was in places like the Congo where things could not get much worse. (Warning: the link takes forever to load; I have fast connection and it still moved slowly. Lots of ads, I suspect.)

I was quite surprised to see that home prices are rising in much of the western world and in the developed world in the east. Not a single country in Africa, eastern Europe, the former Soviet bloc, or the Mideast was on the list. Nor was Japan, Vietnam, or South Korea.

Here they are, #20 to #1:
  • Malaysia
  • Portugal
  • Luxembourgh (if I could live anywhere, this is where I would live)
  • The Netherlands
  • Switzerland (Roman really likes this country now)
  • New Zealand (beautiful)
  • Colombia (right next to Venezuela)
  • India (surprise)
  • Austria
  • UK (yes, this "socialist" country)
  • Sweden
  • Norway  (my ancestral home)
  • Finland (remember radiated reindeer)
  • Canada (our neighbor to the north)
  • South Africa
  • Israel (how much money does US loan them?)
  • Australia
  • Singapore (not unexpected)
  • Hong Kong (not unexpected)
  • China (a complete surprise; #1 on the list; prices up 68% on average)
This list truly surprises me. Check out the link/slideshow; the average increase is interesting, but the average prices are really startling.

And as long as I'm rambling, check out the new luxury mall in the Gaza strip.

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