Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Daily Note

The Trump Presidency (301 - 365)
The Last 65 Days Of His First Term
Days 301 - 365

The Trump Presidency (201 - 300)
The Third 100 Days
The Third 30 Days + 10 (261 - 300) -- this page
The Second 30 Days (Days 231 - 260)
The First 30 Days (Days 201 - 230)

The Trump Presidency (101 - 200)
The Second 100 Days
 The Third 30 Days + 10 (161 - 200)
The Second 30 Days (Days 131 - 160)
 The First 30 Days (Days 101 - 130)

The Trump Presidency (1 - 100)
The First 100 Days
The Third 30 days + 10
The Second 30 Days 
The First 30 Days

Between Election And Inauguration (1 - 100)
The Third 10 Days

November 17, 2017, T+300: Venezuela is in default. Not a peep out of North Korea for quite some time now.

November 16, 2017, T+299: Al Franken, the groper, story breaks. Falling faster than a lead ball off the Tower of Pisa. Is there a parachute to soften the landing?

November 15, 2017, T+298: Mueller moving fast and furious but no new news.

November 14, 2017, T+297: professional traders thought GE hit its low at $21 and bought in. Then a 7% in one day and now another 7% drop today. It's almost like a "death watch" or a "wake." Yesterday, it appeared that professional traders though the GE floor was $19, maybe $18. Today, it's trading below $17. With a forward P/E of 18, GE shares could easily lose half their current value.

November 13, 2017, T+296: another NFL-free Monday night for me. Quiet.

November 12, 2017, T+295: another NFL-free Sunday for me. Quiet.

November 11, 2017, T+294: a quiet day. President Trump's overseas trip continues to go well.

November 10, 2017, T+293: one gets the impression the "never-Trumpers" have no plans to pass a tax cut bill.

November 9, 2017, T+292: tax bill on "life support."

November 8, 2017, T+291: President Trump departs South Korea and heads for China. US mainstream press upset that a) President Trump did not visit the DMZ (weather); and, b) North Korea did not launch a flurry of bottle rockets. On anniversary of election, all three major market indices hit new records; and, the president himself is enjoying a highly successful trip to Japan, South Korea, and China.

November 7, 2017, T+290: tea leaves suggest the GOP tax bill is dead.

November 6, 2017, T+289: Civil war in Saudi Arabia? The Drudge Report has that banner. Meanwhile, the monster that killed 26+ people at a church yesterday Sunday was able to purchase the assault weapon because the USAF mis-filed his paperwork which would have prevented him from legally buying a gun. Any kind of gun. We don't need more gun laws: we need to enforce the laws we have; make the system foolproof; and get rid of lenient judges.

November 5, 2017, T+288: Alec Baldwin has had complete meltdown; deleted his Twitter account. Tomi Lahren: 'Pathetic' that for all Hillary's rigging she still lost to Trump.

November 4, 2017, T+287: Donald Trump has gotten inside Alec Baldwin's mind. TDS+.

November 3, 2017, T+286: unemployment at lowest rate since 2000.

November 2, 2017, T+285: After the recent terrorist attack in NYC, the mayor says he will increase security for the NYC Marathon -- you mean to tell me that after that what happened at the Boston Marathon, the mayor was going to employ less-than-adequate security for the NYC Marathon?

November 1, 2017,T+284: After latest terrorist attack in NYC, the governor of New York tells New Yorkers to take no steps to defend themselves. He tells New Yorkers to go on about life ignoring these terrorist attacks.

October 31, 2017, T+283: Manafort indictment -- a big "nothing-burger."  -- The Washington Post. On another note, "House of Cards" production is suspended: it appears Hollywood can withstand someone coming out as gay, but not someone coming out as a pedophile.

October 30, 2017, T+282: if I were Manafort, I would be heading for England today. Wouldn't be extradited for a "political crime." If Jeff Sessions can't figure out that Trump wants a special prosecutor to go after Hillary and the dossier, Sessions is a moron. On another note, Kevin Spacey does not deny he is a pedophile; simply too drunk to remember (he says) of the incident with a 14-year-old male. 

October 29, 2017, T+281: Trump strangely quiet on the pending indictment. I'm sure he knows. That's how Washington works.

October 28, 2017, T+280: the first Mueller indictment to be announced Monday. CNN will probably be the first to get the scoop. Turns out CNN and FusionGPS joined at the waist.

October 27, 2017, T+279: all of a sudden folks not interested in getting to the bottom of the "Russian dossier."  Bacon's six degrees of separation. How many dots will it take to connect Hillary with the paid-for Russian dossier? Hillary has been very, very quiet on this one. Panetta wants investigation.
"Wolf Blitzer followed up by asking Panetta why Clinton campaign attorney Marc Elias didn’t tell Clinton campaign chair, John Podesta, they had paid for the dossier.
Elias was the lawyer was represented the Clinton campaign and DNC, during the election and is alleged to have paid Fusion GPS for the Trump dossier."
October 26, 2017, T+278: very little press on the DNC-authored Trump dossier; Hillary staying low

October 25, 2017, T+277: that dossier on Trump; originated with Hillary. this changes everything -- and reported by The Washington Press -- so you know it has to be true. Also here.

October 24, 2017, T+276: Trump, through his tweets, doing what he can to kill the GOP tax cut bill.

October 23, 2017, T+275: another unnecessary and sad pissing content on Twitter -- Trump's phone calls to widows of fallen soldiers.

October 22, 2017, T+274: even Jimmy Carter agrees that the media has been tougher on Trump than on any other president. Carter also says that the Russians had no effect on the outcome of the Trump-Clinton race.

October 21, 2017, T+273: not being reported by Rachel Maddow --
During then-President Barack Obama’s first year in office, 16 people were listed working for Michelle Obama, earning a combined $1.24 million a year. This year, just four people were listed working for Melania Trump as of June. Their salaries totaled $486,700.
October 20, 2017, T+272: simply to make Trump look ineffective, it appears some talking heads on MSNBC are now rooting for ISIS to make a comeback in other parts of the world now that Trump has defeated them in the Middle East.

October 19, 2017, T+271: jobs, jobs, jobs. Making America great again. Unemployment claims drop to lowest in 44 years.

October 18, 2017, T+270: US equity market set to soar today.

October 17, 2017, T+269: pretty quiet; Fake News outlets unable to gain any traction. NFL ratings continue to fall, hitting new lows. ISIS destroyed in the Mideast; less than one year after President Trump takes office.

October 16, 2017, T+268: making America great again. The Empire State Manufacturing Survey rose to 30.2 in October, up from 24.4 recorded the previous month. That handicly beat economists' expectations for a drop to 22 and is the strongest reading since September 2014.

October 15, 2017, T+267: President Obama spent years fighting the "junior varsity." Got nowhere. President Trump, in office less than a year, and ISIS is pretty much defeated. Raqqa, it's "capital" and last stronghold of any size, is about to fall. One wonders if the mainstream press will give the US military or President Trump any credit for this incredible story. On another note, Clintons won't return a paltry $250,000 donation to Weinstein. Most likely they'll make an announcement "that the foundation will use the money to help female victims" -- this is not rocket science. And actually the Clinton Foundation has a good point: why return the money? In fact, they need to go to Weinstein and ask for more. LOL. 

October 14, 2017, T+266: Harvey Weinstein starting to make Bill Cosby look like a Boy Scout.

October 13, 2017, T+265: "I knew this all the time [about rapist Weinstein] but didn't say anything because I did not feel it was my place [to say anything]." -- Jane Fonda. Wow.

October 12, 2017, T+264: pushback from Weinstein story has fingerprints of Hillary's War Room all over it. [Later, ultimately failed.]

October 11, 2017, T+263: in his tweets, Trump is not backing down.

October 10, 2017, T+262: NFL commissioner flip-flops -- now agrees with Trump. Players should stand for the national anthem.

October 9, 2017, T+261: VP Pence walks out of home NFL game when players kneel.

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