Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Menards Makes It Official: Big Box Store Coming To Williston - July 29, 2014

According to a Menards press release via The Williston Wire:
Menards officials submitted building plans for a new 209,630 square foot retail store on Tuesday, July 29, 2014.
“We literally just got the plans by UPS an hour ago,” said Kelly Aberle, City of Williston Building Department, at 2:30 p.m.
Menards will be located at the Sand Creek Town Centre, a regional shopping district located in west Williston. Sand Creek is being developed by the Granite Peak Development Company.

Plans indicate the home improvement store will be approximately 209,630 square feet with an additional 72,596 square feet for a lumber yard and cold storage. The site will also include parking space for about 420 vehicles.


  1. This is great news! The entire store including the lumberyard building will be close to 300,000 sq. ft. I understand this will be one of their largest stores built. I belive they said both Dickinson's and Jamestown's Menards are around 165,000 sq. ft plut 35,000-45,000 lumber yard building. Also in the Williston Herald "breaking news" on the on-line edition. The developer Granite Peak said more stores are coming to Sand Creek Town Center along with Menards, and he indicated they are developing an additional 25 acres for retail, that is pretty much sold out. So will be exciting times for Williston as far as retail!

    1. I honestly cannot keep up. I almost thought of taking a week off; there is simply too much news coming out of the Bakken. It's not the headline news or the news story itself that is amazing, it is what it means, what it signifies. And I just don't have time to comment on all those stories, but yet, this is huge. This will draw folks from a huge area. It is truly amazing to see all this happening. I can't wait to see some world-class hunting and fishing lodges / resorts to be built in eastern Montana/western North Dakota.

  2. Think how many Canadians will come to Williston in the near future for shopping.. don

    1. Yes, years before the Bakken boom, Canadian tour companies brought folks down by bus -- their destination was a specific liquor store north of Williston. It doesn't take much to attract a lot of shoppers. The "drawing" area will be much bigger than some folks might think.


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