Thursday, March 22, 2012

Slow-Rolling US Energy Companies -- Since 2009

Link here to another blog.

I get a lot of comments that take issue with my repeated comment that this administration is slow-rolling the domestic oil and gas industry.

This is one that may be most ominous and would fulfill the president's goal to kill the coal industry:
October 26, 2011: Secretary Salazar announces plan to merge BLM and OSM, an action that could move the coal mining industry one step closer to extinction and cause energy costs to skyrocket.
Nice to see a site I can refer to when I get those comments.


  1. Thought you may find this interesting:
    FACT CHECK: More US Drilling Didn't Drop Gas Price

    Also check the correlations with increased oil company profits.

    1. Yes, I saw that.

      Let's see: is natural gas at all time lows? Is natural gas phenomenon literally changing the energy picture in the US? Maybe the world? Drill, drill, drill.

  2. this site has a calender of congressional hearings on different energy policies..
    A quick scan of this site shows that there is a lot of info that can be accessed on different items..

  3. With reference to coal, Obomba has said:

    "if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, then can. It's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all the greenhouse gas that's going to be emitted."

    I would say that "slow-rolling" is polite.

    1. Yes, I know. The president could not have been more direct. It frustrates me that his opponents don't air these clips on a regular basis, particularly when newspapers announce utility rate increases.

    2. I have embedded that clip on several occasions in the past; maybe it's time to do it again. Thank you for taking time to comment with the link.


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