Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday! TNF -- Buffalo - Miami -- September 12, 2024

Locator: 48566B.

ENB: I haven't paid attention to the market in the past two weeks -- not to the extent I usually do. In periods of great volatility, I avoid checking the market, though it's hard to avoid what's going on when one surfs the net like we all do. 

Having said that, I was blown away by how well ENB is doing -- checking out the one-month-, six-month-, and one-year chart. Pretty amazing, considering. And on top of that, ENB is now paying 6.63%. The story over at EPD is similar and EPD pays 7.25%.

Mag 7: there's a reason there's a "Mag 7." Something no one else has mentioned. We'll explore it later today.

Telecom: Verizon to acquire Frontier Communications, the latter, an internet service provider based in Dallas. Expected to close in 2026; a huge number of hurdles before this happens.  If completed, the deal would expand Verizon’s fiber network service “Fios” into Texas where Frontier Communications currently serves multiple cities. On the other hand, Verizon does not currently offer fiber network services in any part of Texas, according to its website. Does anyone else find that simply amazing: Verizon does not currently offer fiber network services in any part of Texas.

Back to the Bakken

WTI: $68.48.

Friday, September 13, 2024: 32 for the month; 160 for the quarter, 484 for the year

Thursday, September 12, 2024: 32 for the month; 160 for the quarter, 484 for the year
, conf, Hess, RS-Feldman-156-92-1423H-3,
, conf, Hess, RS-Juma-156-92-1131H-4,

RBN Energy: rising interest in Gulf Coast natural gas storage spurs a slew of projects. Archived.

Fast-changing dynamics in Gulf Coast natural gas, electricity and LNG export markets are increasing the value of gas storage in Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi — or, more specifically, the merit of quickly injecting and withdrawing gas to respond to market swings. As a result, interest in developing gas storage projects with high “deliverability" rates has taken off, with billions of cubic feet of new storage capacity already coming online and a lot more in the works. In today’s RBN blog, we’ll begin a look at why so many market participants — power generators, LNG operators/offtakers, midstreamers, marketers and traders — are chasing the “extrinsic” value of gas storage and where the new storage projects are being built.

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