Monday, August 19, 2024

Five New Permits; Three Permits Renewed; Two DUCs Reported As Completed -- August 19, 2024

 Locator: 48466B.

WTI: $74.37.

Active rigs: 36.

Five new permits, #41037 - #41041, inclusive:

  • Operator: XTO
  • Field: Hofflund (Williams); Grinnell (Williams)
  • Comments:
    • XTO has permits for five wells, NENW 16-154-95, to be sited 1669 FWL and at the following distances from the north line: 790 FNL; 820 FNL; 850 FNL; 880 FNL; and 940 FNL; 
    • four of the wells are HBU Lizette State Federal wells and the fifth well is a Lizette State well;
    • the four federal wells are unitized (Hofflund-Bakken unit); the Lizette State well's spacing unit: sections 16/17/20/21/28/29 - 154-95.

Three permits renewed:

  • Whiting: three Link permits, Foreman Butte, McKenzie County;

Two producing wells (DUCs) were reported as completed:

  • 30915, 100, BR, Saddle Butte 14-9 TFH,
  • 30916, 100, Saddle Butte 14-9 MBH-ULW,

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