Saturday, June 8, 2024

Natural Gas Demand Will Increase As More And More Intermittent Energy Added To The Grid -- June 8, 2024

Locator: 47977NATGAS.

WMB: link here. Seeks to put more projects into service.

Regional Energy Access natural gas project already under construction into service by July 1, 2024 ....
... seeking to provide about 0.16 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) of the roughly 0.83-bcfd project's gas capacity available to customers on an interim basis.
The company has estimated the project's total cost at around $1 billion.
The project is already partially in service.
FERC said it approved Transco's request to make the first roughly 0.45-bcfd phase of the project available on an interim basis in October 2023.
One billion cubic feet of gas is enough to supply 5 million U.S. homes for a day. Williams said on its website that it started construction in the second quarter of 2023 and expects to put the project fully into service in the fourth quarter of 2024.


Link here.

Germany gets approval to lay in more natural gas-fired power. 

Decades ago, generating electricity from natural gas was a solution looking for a problem. Ten years later, we found the problem: large data centers are going to be consuming a lot of electricity. Absolutely amazing how things work out. 

Move over EVs. It's no longer about "you." It's all about data centers. And Nvidia.

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