Saturday, May 11, 2024

Economy In North Texas Is On Fire -- May 11, 2024

Locator: 47122ECON.

Don't tell me the US economy is doing badly.

Don't tell me folks have quit spending.

I had to go "downtown" to pick up family members from end-of-school-year" events. I've never seen "downtown" so busy. Obviously a lot of Mother's Day celebrations and gift buying.

Traffic was horrendous. Long waits at intersections; no parking.

Nothing to suggest the Texas consumer has slowed down.

Lines outside "all" restaurants. 

As for us, a mimosa brunch, catered, tomorrow. 

I'll be doing Taco Tuesday at the apartment this summer. Once a week, though it might not always be on Tuesday.

Huge breakfast/brunch planned on May 24, 2024 -- post-high school graduation breakfast.

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