Monday, March 8, 2021

Dak -- March 8, 2021

As predicted, it looks like Dak is "leaving" the Cowboys. [Later, in fact just hours later -- wow, was I wrong -- and so were talking heads on which I based my post -- see first comment -- Dak and Cowboys have reached a deal.]

If that happens, it was telegraphed a year ago. 

I do think the tipping point: the injury.


  1. Dak signs with Dallas. 4 yrs $160 million

  2. Same here. Saw no way this didnt end in a nasty divorce. Probably JJ's lack of real options was driving force. And maybe someone in Cowboys office actually exercised common sense.
    Now pressure shifts to Dak and his ankle.

    1. 1000% correct. I assume he had a very, very intense orthopedic evaluation and a similarly intense field exercise.


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