Saturday, January 9, 2021

Women Taking Brunt Of Job Losses Due To Pandemic -- January 9, 2021

I have no idea if this is accurate; there is so much fake news out there, and then, again, we have gaslighting. 

But this is from CNN, so you know it has to be true. It was reported yesterday that although economists expected a gain of 50,000 jobs in December, 2020, in fact the US recorded a loss of 140,000 jobs in that month. CNN is reporting that "all of those lost jobs were held by women."

From the linked story:

A year ago, a rare thing happened to American women.

For three months, women held more jobs than men in the US economy — something that had only occurred one other time in history, during a short period in 2009 and early 2010
Sure, there were still many other gender gaps: women were more likely than men to work part-time, for example, because of caregiving responsibilities at home, and even among full-time workers, they earned on average only 81 cents for every dollar of their male peers. 
Nevertheless, women were making gradual gains. 
The pandemic quickly changed that story. And now, it just got worse. 
According to new data released Friday, employers cut 140,000 jobs in December, signaling that the economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic is backtracking. 
Digging deeper into the data also reveals a shocking gender gap: Women accounted for all the job losses, losing 156,000 jobs, while men gained 16,000. 
Meanwhile, a separate survey of households, which includes self-employed workers, showed an even wider gender disparity. 
It also highlighted another painful reality: 
Blacks and Latinas lost jobs in December, while White women made significant gains
These are net numbers, which can mask some of the underlying churn in the labor market. Of course many men lost their jobs in December, too — but when taken together as a group, they came out ahead, whereas women fell behind.

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