Wednesday, December 9, 2020

No Wells Coming Off Confidential List -- December 9, 2020

Active rigs:

Active Rigs1656645340

No wells coming off the confidential list today.

RBN Energy: everything you need to know about the Cushing oil hub. Archived.

Cushing. This small town in central Oklahoma is the center of the U.S. crude oil universe, with prices at the Cushing hub serving as the reference price for all of the crude produced in the U.S. — and given the role that U.S. oil has assumed on the global stage, one of the most important determinants of global crude oil pricing. Considering the hub’s significance, it’s frequently surprising to industry veterans just how misunderstood Cushing can be. 
Like, for example, how SHOCKED the world was when Cushing prices dropped below zero back in April. Cushing traders had seen that coming for weeks — the only surprise to them was how far the price plunged that crazy Monday morning. It’s easy to see how something as enigmatic and complex as Cushing might be misunderstood — or underestimated — if you’re not familiar with its history, its inner workings, and its many crucial roles in both the physical and financial crude oil markets. It’s also tempting to think you can get by with only a passing knowledge of Cushing and how it operates. Au contraire! Cushing really matters, and market participants ignore it at their peril. The good news is that there’s finally a combo encyclopedia and user’s manual for “The Pipeline Crossroads of the World.” Today, we examine the hub’s significance to producers, refiners, midstreamers, marketers, and traders.


  1. Well done. I kinda, maybe thought I knew what Cushing was ie: The place where all the oil went.
    Much better understood now.

    1. Glad you caught it. RBN Energy removes the posts after they have been up for awhile -- available only to subscribers. I find RBN Energy invaluable for better understanding of oil sector.


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