Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Californa: Top US Net Importer Of Electricity -- 2019

California is the top US net importer of electricity: link to one of my favorite writers -- Charles Kennedy. 
California's imports were the largest in the United States last year when 25 percent of California's total electricity supply was imported, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said on Monday.

From the linked article:

Last year, California's net electricity imports were the largest in the country at 70.8 million megawatt-hours (MWh), followed by Ohio, Massachusetts, Virginia, and Tennessee, EIA data showed. 
In California's case, the state's utilities partly own and import power from several power plants in Arizona and Utah. California's electricity imports also include hydroelectric power from the Pacific Northwest, mostly across high-voltage transmission lines from Oregon to the Los Angeles area.According to 2019 data from the California Energy Commission, the state imported 30.68 percent of its renewables-generated electricity supply and 69.32 percent of non-renewables supply.

From the linked EIA article:


  1. Growing up in SW Washington state, I remember the complaint every time Bonneville Power (BPA) raised our rates was to cover costs of sending our hydro electricity to LA basin.
    The Columbia River is large enough with multiple dams on it to light up the moon if needed.

    1. Thank you. You beat me to this. I was going to post something on Canadian hydro power last night but it was such a "muddy" issue it was hard to sort it out. I don't follow New England close enough but it sounds like they have serious problems up there.


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