Saturday, October 17, 2020

Hiden' Biden, Dr Faust, And Kash 'n Karry Will Only Make Things Worse For Working Women -- October 17, 2020

Women voting for Hiden' Biden need to pay attention to this. They won't. Whatever.

Yesterday, this tease from McKinsey & Company: a jaw-dropping number reflects a new reality for women in the workplace.

I almost missed it; I was going to delete it from my in-box -- I had way too much stuff to read, way too much stuff to post, and I didn't want to be bothered with "jaw-dropping numbers" from McKinsey. But I'm glad I looked. There was a story there. Or as Tina would say, "there's a there there."

McKinsey provided the data point but didn't provide the 30-second soundbite that would have explained it for folks who didn't have time to read the study.

First, the McKinsey "jaw-dropping number":

The sixth annual Women in the Workplace report has dropped, and its most notable conclusion is stunning: more than one in four women are contemplating downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce completely.

That would have been unthinkable just six months ago.

To be fair, McKinsey linked the data point to the study and the answer was provided. I had already guessed the answer and I assume(d) any reader not living under the Geico Rock would also have guessed the answer. But instead of just providing the answer in a 30-second elevator speech, we needed to link to a long McKinsey study.

Anyway, that's that.

On the other hand, The WSJ provided the answer in a headline

I saw the McKinsey report in my in-box yesterday afternoon but did not have time to read it. Then, earlier this morning, I saw The WSJ headline. I had already guessed the answer but The WSJ article confirmed it.

Sophia's mother would have had to quit her job to take care of Sophia had it not been for Sophia's sisters and me. Sophia's daycare this past summer was closed -- for the entire summer, and when school "opened," it was only through remote learning ("the iPad"). But because she has older sisters who are also staying at home and because Sophia and I are joined at the hip, as they say, not only has her mother been able to keep working but has actually extender hours. 

More on that later.


  1. Are the McKinsey reports free, looking to add to the email arsenal, appreciate your blog!

    1. Short answer: yes.

      Long answer: I have no idea how I started getting McKinsey correspondence pushed to my in-box / e-mail. One day I saw a note from McKinsey. Thinking it was spam, I simply deleted it. But the notes arrived daily and one day there was the study on "transportation changes due to Covid-19 -- right up my alley -- I clicked on it and I was amazed. The whole study, no ads, no incessant yelling that I subscribe. I assume there are opportunities sent along with the e-mail to subscribe but I never pay attention. Most of the McKinsey e-mails I delete without reading -- one can tell from the subject whether one might be interested.

      I assume that if you want McKinsey e-mail, go to their website and sign-up for their daily e-mail note. I'm sure it's easy to "un-subscribe" and if nothing else, start marking it as spam and eventually your e-mail filter may do that for you.

      But I'm sure McKinsey is looking for more paying subscribers. I don't know.

      I would send you the link but it comes directly to my e-mail account with a "no-reply return address."

    2. By the way, thank you for your kind words.


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