Friday, April 3, 2020

So Much Work Left To Be Done In The Bakken -- April 3, 2020

Beaver Lodge oil field. Hess multi-well pads of interest.

Beaver Lodge is tracked here but it has not been updated in a long time.


I'm hoping Enerplus develops an Amphibian pad. 

Extant amphibiians (collectively, Lissamphibia):
  • frogs
  • salamanders
  • caecilians
Molecular estimates suggest the Lissamphibia may stretch back farther than the fossil record, as much as 100 million year (Myr) farther back.

Salamanders are the morphologically most generalized of the three extant groups, not having the locomotor specializations of their sister tax frogs (jumping) or caecilians (burrowing).

Of the three, salamandroids may be the oldest, and fossils suggest their appearance may be 40 Myr earlier than previously supposed.

The 40-Myr extension is most exciting. Folks have been looking for estimates of divergence of cryptobranchoids and salamandroids.

From wiki:
The subclass Lissamphibia includes all living amphibians. They are classified in three orders:
  • the Anura: frogs, including toads;
  • the Caudata or Urodela: salamanders, including newts; and, 
  • the Gymnophiona or Apoda: the limbless caecilians. 
Although the ancestry of each group is controversial, all share certain common characteristics, which indicates they evolved from a common ancestor and so form a clade.
lissós: ancient Greek, smooth;
amphibia: ancient Greek, two types of life

I am very, very disappointed that neither frogs nor amphibians are found in the index of Aristotle's The Lagoon, by Armand Marie Leroi, c. 2014, 500 pages.

It's unfortunate that I cannot find any English word that derives from "lissa." Engineers will be familiar with the lissajous curve but that derives from the man who first described these complex harmonic motion curves: Jules Antoine Lissajous. 


  1. I see Beaver Lodge has come up twice in your comments in as many days. There is enormous infrastructure in the BL field like pipeline takeaway versus having to truck it.
    I think we'll see a lot of this going forward for a while. Keep up the good work I've been a daily viewer of your blog for many years.

    1. The Beaver Lodge area is simply overwhelming when one looks at the NDIC map. Your point is well taken. Thank you for taking time to write and your kind words about the blog.


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