Saturday, November 30, 2019

Global Warming -- Notes From All Over, Part 1 -- November 30, 2019

From Minnesota, an article that "no one" will read but an article that says it all.
The sad story of Minnesota’s green energy failure is one that no doubt is being replicated around the country. And one of the ironies of green energy is that it is terrible for the environment. Both wind and solar energy require enormous amounts of land compared with conventional, reliable energy sources. Minnesota has scarred its landscape with endless acres of giant windmills and, to a lesser degree, solar panels. When those windmills begin to rust and fall still, the environmental damage will be even greater. And the green cronies who are now making millions through their political connections will be long gone.
Bay area freezes. San Francisco ties cold record.

Wind power: incredibly impossible.
Using wind power to replace the 3.9 billion megawatt-hours that Americans consumed in 2018, coal and gas-fired backup power plants, natural gas for home heating, coal and gas for factories, and gasoline for vehicles – while generating enough extra electricity every windy day to charge batteries for just seven straight windless days – would require some 14 million 1.8-MW wind turbines.
Those turbines would sprawl across three-fourths of the Lower 48 US states – and require 15 billion tons of steel, concrete and other raw materials. They would wipe out eagles, hawks, bats and other species.
I don't care for karaoke, but the accordion brought me here:


  1. Reminds of my short 7 week field trip to S Korea via Uncle Sam in early '80s. Girl bands trying to do Bob Segar and the Eagles, just makes you want to drink even more. Maybe that was the plan.

    1. But it is amazing the "reach" of American music. I know American musicians have incorporated music from other cultures, but I am unaware of (m)any successful American bands singing classical Korea, Chinese, Japanese songs. But then I haven't visited a karaoke bar in Chinatown in a long, long time.

  2. You are right. Seems the pinnacle of music has always been the US market. Hence the British invasion.
    Seemed in my travels "abroad" everyone wanted to be Bob Dylan or Ozzie Osborne.
    I'm sure you can appreciate the Lone Ranger on AFN, walking into the saloon, asking the Barkeep, "Was ist los in der Gasthaus?"

    1. "Was ist los in der Gasthaus?" Pretty funny. Yup, "was ist los?"


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