Thursday, October 31, 2019

Encana To Re-Brand Itself As An American Company -- WIth Direct Flights To Williston, ND -- October 31, 2019

Ovintiv. Denver, CO. Direct flights to Williston Basin International Airport. Delta and United.

Link here.
“Canada is no longer a place that’s associated with innovation, success in the energy industry,” Tahmazian said, adding that it’s sad because the country has better technology than what is available in the U.S.
Pretty much says it all.

Canada: closed for business. Especially if it's fossil fuel.

Take my breath away!

Take My Breath Away, Berlin

"Top Gun" was released May, 1986. I was the flight surgeon for the 22 TFS, 36 TFW, Bitburg Air Base, Germany. For some reason I associate Lt Col Ted Hailes with some of the best flying experiences I ever had, but I honestly don't recall if it was the 1983 - 1986 tour or a later tour, when I flew with him. At the time I flew with him he was an F-15 pilot but in an earlier life he was an F-4 backseater. Vietnam? I think so. I remember asking him if the flight / fight scenes in "Top Gun" were "realistic." The short answer, "yes. Sort of."

Were the relationships "realistic." I didn't have to ask him. I knew.

I vividly remember the first F-15 flight I ever had as a flight surgeon. I don't remember the name of the pilot, another lieutenant colonel. Scared me half to death. The F-15 sortie? No, the colonel. My goodness, he was good.

It's the living thing -- it's a terrible thing to lose --

Living Thing, Jeff Lynne and ELO
The other day, Grammy was driving Sophia to school. Grammy asked Sophia if she knew the "primary" instrument that was being featured on some song on the radio. Sophia, five years old, said/asked, "the violin?"
Grammy said that was correct.
Some moments later, Sophia asked if the music was "Chinese."
Grammy gasped, "Yes, it was Chinese." 
Link here.  


  1. Reads like another great guy! I suspicion there are a lot more like him out there than we ever acknowledge (sadly).

    1. Wow, that's him. Amazing, truly amazing. Says he joined in 1966, so that all fits. In 1983, seventeen years in the Air Force and a lieutenant colonel.


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