Saturday, May 4, 2019

Global Warming -- May The Fourth Be With You -- 2019


Later, 11:25 a.m. Central Time: see first comment. It appears the Center of Biological Diversity is suing the wrong president, but don't facts get in the way of fake news ...
The emperor penguin colony at Halley Bay was wiped out in 2016, and the warming that led to the ice melt started before that, so it appears that the Center for Biological Diversity is suing the wrong president...  

Original Post
Some of the big stories for the next six months:
  • global warming: solar minimums 
  • weather: hurricane activity
  • US politics: impeachment (fireworks)
  • US economy: the most under-rated bull market / expansion in US history
  • here's an idea -- look at the market / US economy during past impeachment processes
  • global economy: what is the US doing that "we" aren't doing?
  • energy: very, very expensive gasoline in California; it could become a bigger issue that folks realize
Global warming, link here. This is really becoming quite a story. Again, as usual, the European- and Australian-deplorables are well ahead of the US deplorables in noting the pause in global warming, due to the solar minimums. Solar minimums (sunspots) -- fewer "hot" sunspots --> less heat to the earth --> less warming. It will be interesting how this affects hurricane season: relationship between solar variability and hurricanes.

From the linked article:
Belgium is now admitting that this current solar minimum could be longer and deeper than they previously thought. has been saying this for a long time now.
We are having more volcanic activity, an increased wobble of the earth, a continual polar shift, almost continual solar winds. and solar prominences which could lead to hyder flares.
We are not seeing increasing numbers of sunspots with the reversed magnetic polarity of the upcoming solar cycle 25. This means that many more months of a spotless sun are yet upon us.
Let's check up on four things:
  • Arctic, northwest passage: science matters -- northwest passage not passable -- that was last autumn;
  • Arctic, polar bears: inconvenient -- polar bear numbers may have quadrupled and are now an (inconvenient) nuisance;
  • Antacrctic, icebergs, from iflscience: remember that NYC-size iceberg (actually pretty small in the history of icebergs; from 
  • Once in a while, however, a monster breaks free from the edge of Antarctica and drifts away. Tens of kilometres long these bergs can tower perhaps 100 metres above the sea and reach several hundred more below the surface. These are called tabular icebergs – and while it is rare for humans to see something on such a scale they are part of the normal cycle of glacial ice in Antarctica.
  • Antarctic, penguins: Trump is set to be sued for not saving the penguins (I cannot make this up). Sort of tells me how irrelevant the Center for Biological Diversity has become.


  1. the emperor penguin colony at Halley Bay was wiped out in 2016, and the warming that led to the ice melt started before that, so it appears that the Center for Biological Diversity is suing the wrong president...

    1. It's always amazing when the facts are known. I will bring this to the main body of the blog so it's easier to find. Thank you for taking time to write.


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