Monday, April 29, 2019

It Is Almost May, Isn't It? -- April 29, 2019

Global warming smacks the Bakken. From KX News Storm Team -- more weather --

Hope springs eternal: $100 oil -- from Bloomberg -- the price of oil is not the issue. The volatility, the rate of change -- that's the real problem. If oil spikes to $100/bbl by the end of the summer, not so good for the global economy. If oil gradually climbts to $100/bbl over the next five years, awesome.

From an old post:
Births: it's well-known among moms that pregnant women (as opposed to pregnant men?) are more likely to go into labor during a full moon than any other time. Now, we know that babies tend to weigh less at birth when moms live near fracking sites. I honestly cannot believe The Wall Street Journal published this study. I read the headline and part of the first paragraph ... that was all I needed. Having said that, my guess is that moms with a history of delivering 11-pound babies will gladly move near a fracking site now that this study has been released.
Bitcoin: I haven't followed Bitcoin in months. It seems like a year since I last read anything about bitcoin. Apparently not all is well in paradise. Perhaps it's difficult to mine bitcoin during the winter. I don't know. And, of course, Hillary talked about putting a lot of miners out of work.


  1. The short: Bitcoin dipped to the law $3,000s, stayed around there for a few months, last week went to nearly $6,000, then dropped to $5,100.

    I don't own any, but check from time to time.

    1. Nor do I (own any). A good trading commodity but something I would not invest in.


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