Thursday, March 7, 2019

Chesto Over At The Boston Globe -- March 7, 2019

Offshore wind energy in New England: too long to go into, but offshore wind faces new headwinds (no pun intended).

Connecticut: looking to put in new tolls on highways to pocket revenue from out-of-state drivers, but it will be a major tax on in-state drivers, also. If it moves, tax it.

Federal minimum wage: US House has advanced a bill to raise the federal minimum wage to $15/hour, more than double the current level.

Video rental: with the closing of Blockbuster in Australia, there will be just one video rental store left on this plant with that name, and it's in Bend, Oregon. I remember several years ago, the US stopped the merger of two major video rental on the basis that the merger would monopolize video rental business. Wow. What a bunch of idiots. At the time, Netflix, one of many, was just beginning.



  1. And so the salesman happy with 80k, doesnt strive for 100k, the CEO, PO'd that thats all he gets, stops motivating company to do more.
    Yup, everyone gets the same, and nobody is happy.
    Isnt the pursuit of happiness one of the drivers of our society?

    1. That is so accurate. But it is interesting, the "party elite" -- like Bernie Sanders, Algore, Occasional-Cortex, will all be insanely rich -- sort of like Putin, Maduro, Kim, et al.

  2. And to me, that is all the proof I need to know that the climate change, socialist agenda is nothing more than a get rich quick scheme for those in charge. They really dont care about the rest of us

    1. The more I read, especially the scientific data, convinces me that there is no question that the global warming agenda is a scam.


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